Slwch Tump

Slwch Tump
or ‘up the Slwch’ as locals say!
GRADE is easy easy, gentle uphill gradient; last few hundred yards difficult for pushchairs, not suitable for wheelchairs
This is a quick and worthwhile walk that rewards you with magnificent views back down over Brecon and beyond, only twenty minutes or so after leaving the town centre. On a sunny and warm day, it makes a pleasant early evening walk or is an opportunity to get air in your lungs if you have had a day inside. It is a gentle uphill walk for which sturdy shoes, rather than boots, are required.
Starting from Visit Brecon, turn right and cross the carpark, going up the steps to the left of the NPTC Cwtch college building. At the top of the steps, cross the zebra crossing and turn right along Heol Gouesnou. Take the first left turn, crossing straight over Alexandra Road and up the short path (known locally as ‘The Cut’). At the end of the path, turn right briefly into Belle Vue Gardens then left at the T-junction onto Cerrigcochion Road. Proceed up the left-hand side of Cerrigcochion Road, past the hospital on your right, and look on your left for a road called Cerrigcochion Lane (the next left turn after passing the entrance to School Gardens). (On your town map look at the furthest point east and the signs to the hospital.)
Immediately opposite Cerrigcochion Lane, you will see an opening with a bridle path sign. Crossing the road carefully, walk along the bridle path up a gentle incline, until you reach a stile at a bend in the path. If you look over the stile and across the field, you will see ahead of you the ‘tump’, a slight mound on top of the hill which is the only remaining indication of the small iron age fort which once existed there. Sadly the remains of St Eluned’s Church are no longer visible either, but do look up the legend of Eluned, daughter of Brychan, the fifth century King of Brycheiniog.
You can reach the top of the hill either by climbing over the stile and crossing the field diagonally, or by taking the slightly longer route by continuing up the lane to your left which winds its way up the edge of the field. Access the field through the gate at the top of the lane. You will be rewarded (after this relatively steep path) with fantastic views of Brecon, the Beacons and beyond as you look back towards the town, while a landscape of hills will also
emerge to both the east and west. A lot of view for only a small amount of effort! (The walk is unfortunately not suitable for wheelchair or pushchair users.)
REFS: Grid: SO048289
STARTING POINT: Cerrigochion Road, Brecon.
TIME: 40 minutes
FACILITIES: The nearest toilets are by the bus station, situated on Heol Gousenou, at the bottom of the hill by Cerrigochion Road
Contact Details
- 01874 620860
- 07507 341733
- 11 Lion Yard, Brecon, LD3 7BA